You can have a driver or chauffeur to drive you around, a butler to open your door etc., and now you can make an equest to have us find your information.  It’s research specifically targeted at manufacturers, suppliers and buyers in South Africa.

Scenario: You import a product, e.g. a wheelbarrow.  What if someone in South Africa actually had a wheel barrow making machine, or a production line they can convert to making wheelbarrows and can compete due to currency fluctuations?  We match your equest (electronic request) with our database of suppliers and manufacturers and find a match to your equest and provide you the information.

If we don’t have the right supplier in our database, your equest is processed further by:

  • Listed in our database of equests online and open to tender (effectively) as interested parties can now submit offers and proposals to do the work.
  • Contracted info agents and contacts will scour the Internet and other sources to find your information.

If we cannot find your information, you get your money back.